Caelan receives the Apker Award for exceptional undergraduate research from the American Physical Society, Chicago, IL, March 2022.

Joey talks biofilms at the Biophysical Society meeting, San Francisco, CA, February, 2022.



Caelan and Joe after the intense GRC Stochastic Physics in Biology 2021 poster session.

Caelan, Soutick Saha (Mugler Group, U Pitt), Andrew Mugler, and Ryan Thiermann (Jun Lab, UCSD) at the 2021 GRC Stochastic Physics in Biology Meeting in Ventura, CA.

Josh cuts some stuff with a laser, August 2021.

Josh cuts some stuff with a laser, August 2021.

Alex assembling an experiment, August 2021.

Alex assembling an experiment, August 2021.

Alex’s poster session, August 2021.

Alex’s poster session, August 2021.

We see a bit of the outside world with the Sgro Lab, July 2021.

We see a bit of the outside world with the Sgro Lab, July 2021.

The lab tours Boston Harbor via boat, April 2021.

The lab tours Boston Harbor via boat, April 2021.

We finally meet Caelan in person!!!

We finally meet Caelan in person!!!


Bacillus exploring strange new worlds. Image by Alyssa Haynes and Joe Larkin.

Bacillus exploring strange new worlds. Image by Alyssa Haynes and Joe Larkin.

It’s a freakin’ wintah wondahland out heeyah! Late October, 2020.

It’s a freakin’ wintah wondahland out heeyah! Late October, 2020.

Outside the CILSE building on a beautiful summer day, July 2020.

Outside the CILSE building on a beautiful summer day, July 2020.

Kevin helping to unload the first big shipment in July 2020!

Kevin helping to unload the first big shipment in July 2020!

One of the first pieces of actual lab work, July 2020.

One of the first pieces of actual lab work, July 2020.

First autoclave run, folks, July 2020.

First autoclave run, folks, July 2020.

Purchasing some essential lab supplies at Bed Bath & Beyond, July 2020.

Purchasing some essential lab supplies at Bed Bath & Beyond, July 2020.

Alyssa spotting the first ever biofilms in the lab!

Alyssa spotting the first ever biofilms in the lab!

The boxes finally up on the 6th floor.

The boxes finally up on the 6th floor.

Life’s simplest things. Image by Mike Zulch.

Life’s simplest things. Image by Mike Zulch.


Group meeting, August 2020.

Literally our first time in lab! February 2020. A keen eye can spot the reflection of the great John Ngo taking the photo through the large hall windows in CILSE.

Literally our first time in lab! February 2020. A keen eye can spot the reflection of the great John Ngo taking the photo through the large hall windows in CILSE.


Banner image by Alyssa Haynes.